

For $550 the Colorado Business LLC PACKAGE * includes all necessary documentation for formation and up to two hours of Attorney Consultation. 

START NOW using our ONLINE “Secure Client” Portal

CALL NOW !+1 (855) 649-5884

* Does not include Secretary of State filing fee this is paid directly to the Secretary of State

** Attorney credit can be used for assisting in form preparation or assistance with other business related matters such as questions concerning advertising and marketing law, online legal matters or other general matters. Credit is available for 30 days. 


New and Existing  Colorado Business Resources

We provide a full LLC Business Package Option that includes up to two hours of attorney time.

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Anthony Edwards  is an attorney/consultant whose practice emphasizes Business Law and Technology, including eDiscovery. His professional passion is working with clients to address their needs and achieve their goals. He serves as a Colorado Small Business Development Center Consultant. Anthony’s business and tech experience began in 1999 when working in a medical offices merger serving as the lead in data integration and employee technology training. In September of 2016, he was recognized by Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado as the Economic Developer of the Year.

Anthony has worked with us on everything from employment law to equity investments to general business advice, and his expertise has proved invaluable in all of these areas.

Klemens Branner

Owner, Venture Snowboards



Anthony Edwards

