Evidence is now routinely created, collected, and produced in electronic form, which means that ESI (electronically stored information) and eDiscovery is now a part of all document discovery, whether plaintiff, employment matters, small commercial disputes, divorce, or personal injury. Most likely, even email, text, word processing, financial data, social media postings all originated from a computer file, even if it exists in paper form, too. ESI will likely be integral to every case, while the volume and complexity may differ, eDiscovery must be considered for every client.

As attorneys and consultants, we are able to advise and guide other law firms and businesses in helping them to understand how to handle ESI to keep discovery responsive, efficient, and proportional to the needs of the case. Whether litigation or subpoenas regarding investigations (internally or externally), these matters will likely involve eDiscovery. It is common for corporations to ask or even require their counsel and legal departments to partner with companies whose core competence is eDiscovery.

Anthony Edwards, Sholler Edwards


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